The Healthy Lawn Warranty

We will strive to achieve
100% satisfaction

Our goal is to make sure that you are totally satisfied with our lawn care and other services. We will continuously work with you until you are totally satisfied that we have done everything possible to solve your problems. With most of our programs we offer no charge service calls and free re sprays. You can be assured that we will strive to achieve 100% satisfaction. Our applicators will also be available to answer any and all questions regarding your lawn or landscape.

Maintaining proper mowing techniques is essential for a healthy, vibrant lawn in Western New York’s climate. When it comes to mowing, it’s crucial to follow a few key principles. Firstly, adjust your mower to the appropriate height to ensure optimal grass health. For Western New York’s cool-season grasses like Kentucky bluegrass, fine fescue, and perennial ryegrass, the ideal mowing height ranges from 2.5 to 3.5 inches. Mowing at this height promotes stronger root systems, improves drought resistance, and helps prevent weed growth. Additionally, always mow with a sharp blade to achieve clean cuts that minimize stress on the grass. Avoid cutting more than one-third of the grass blade length in a single mowing session to prevent shock and maintain a lush, green appearance. By adhering to these proper mowing techniques, you can enjoy a beautiful, resilient lawn that thrives in Western New York’s unique climate.”

“Proper watering is paramount for maintaining a healthy lawn, especially in Western New York’s climate. When it comes to watering, it’s essential to follow a few key guidelines to ensure optimal grass health. Water deeply and infrequently to encourage deep root growth and drought resistance, typically providing one to one and a half inches of water per week, including rainfall. Watering in the early morning hours helps minimize evaporation and allows the grass to dry before nightfall, reducing the risk of fungal diseases. Additionally, adjust your watering schedule based on weather conditions, watering more during hot, dry periods and less during cooler, wetter spells. Combine proper watering with mowing at the recommended height of 2.5 to 3.5 inches for cool-season grasses like Kentucky bluegrass, fine fescue, and perennial ryegrass in Western New York. This optimal mowing height promotes healthier turf, reducing water loss through evaporation and providing shade to the soil, further aiding in moisture retention. By adhering to these proper watering and mowing techniques, you can cultivate a lush, resilient lawn that thrives in Western New York’s unique climate.”

“Welcome to Healthy Lawn, your premier destination for comprehensive lawn care services in Western New York. Our team specializes in weed control, offering effective treatments to eliminate pesky weeds and restore the lush greenery of your lawn. With our professional fertilization services, we ensure that your grass receives the nutrients it needs to thrive and maintain its vibrant color year-round. Experience the benefits of our expert lawn aeration techniques, enhancing soil health and promoting robust root growth for a resilient, healthy lawn. Say goodbye to grubs and lawn pests with our proven grub prevention treatments, safeguarding your lawn from damage and ensuring long-term vitality. Trust Healthy Lawn for all your lawn maintenance needs and enjoy a beautiful, flourishing lawn that enhances the beauty of your property.”

Our Organic Programs

We Have many Organic Programs available

1. Straight Organic-Absolutely no pesticides used. We have a 6 step 100% Organic Program. Weeds are not killed! After a while weeds will find it difficult to survive in an organically treated lawn.

2. Semi Organic-We only spot weed any weeds found in your yard. This reduces pesticide use by 80-90%                                                                   

3. Customer directed Organic Program-You tell us when to use a pesticide. We do not use a pesticide unless you request it.

5 Step Regular Lawn Program

Our 5 Step Lawn Care Process allows us to feed your lawn and rid it of pests in your lawn such as weeds, crabgrass and insects. This Lawn Program gives us the ability to time our applications and allow for variations in weather. This is our recommended program.

Lawn Fertilization

Why Fertilize Your Lawn? We hear this question a lot. It would be nice if we could fertilize our lawns once and be done with it, just like it would be nice if you could mow once for the season and that would be it. In the real world, where your lawn provides a growing, natural setting for your home and a place for your family to relax and play, it needs a regularly scheduled fertilization program to reach its potential. Your lawn needs a balanced fertilizer with nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium to keep it healthy and strong. 

Winter Fertilizer

In addition to fertilizing in fall while lawn plants are actively growing, the experts at Healthy Lawn suggest that homeowners living in northern climates fertilize again after their lawn stop growing. This second application, called dormant or winter feeding, is really the first fertilization of spring — just several months early.

Weed Control

Each year we see all kinds of lawns with extreme weed problems – we’re not intimidated though! In fact, the more severe the problems, the better we like it, because the change is so dramatic. People just can’t believe it’s the same lawn. Weeds are in a constant battle for prime real-estate in your lawn.  If your lawn has weed problems, or looks thin, we can help.

Crabgrass Control

One of the primary weed concerns in home lawns is crabgrass. There is plenty of time before this weed will appear in lawns, but prevention is the key to control. There are both cultural and chemical control options to consider. 

Grub Prevention

​ Healthy Lawn is dedicated to meeting your every need when it comes to maintaining your lawn. We offer complete residential and commercial insect and lawn pest solutions for Western New York. If you are infested with grubs we will use the most effective products available on the market to combat the problem. Also we will be monitoring your lawn looking for the problem before it destroys your lawn.

Tree & Shrub Care

When you take into account the life-span of trees and their contributions to the overall value of a large estate or commercial property, consulting a Healthy Lawn representative in order to formulate a total care program is a wise investment.

Core Aeration

Aeration is the process of mechanically removing small plugs of thatch and soil from the lawn to improve soil structure and reduce compaction. Core aeration helps the lawn’s health and vigor, and reduces maintenance requirements. It also reduces compaction of soil which allows grass to produce a stronger, healthier root system. Fertilizer can get down to the root system more readily. An aerated lawn will absorb more water, and it breaks up the thatch layer.

Cultural Practices

Most people don’t realize how much proper mowing contributes to the overall health and appearance of their lawn. Therefore, let’s take a look at some of the mowing basics that will provide you the best possible results: & be on your way to 50% less pesticides.

Mosquito Control

As the climate continues to become warmer the southern insects are moving north. The threat of the Zika Virus is real and can reach western New York. Eliminate the mosquito and the threat at least in your yard is gone.

How to Mow Your Lawn

How to Water Your Lawn

8 Secrets to Keep Your Lawn Green

Why Fertilize Your Lawn?

We hear this question a lot. It would be nice if we could fertilize our lawns once and be done with it, just like it would be nice if you could mow once for the season and that would be it. In the real world, where your lawn provides a growing, natural setting for your home and a place for your family to relax and play, it needs a regularly scheduled fertilization program to reach its potential. Your lawn needs a balanced fertilizer with nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium to keep it healthy and strong.

​Most soils have some of these elements present, but usually they become depleted over the years. Turf is a very hungry plant during its major growing seasons. Proper fertilizing with balanced applications throughout the growing season promotes thick, dense grass that can resist disease and weed invasions. Healthy Lawn uses a special blend of balanced micro nutrients designed to give you lawn the right mix of fertilizer components and trace elements to ensure that your lawn looks great. If you’ve used a lawn care provider in the past and were unhappy with the results, their service, or you got the feeling you were just another number on someone’s corporate list of things-to-do, give us a call.

​You’ll be amazed at the difference between Healthy Lawn’s service and all the others. We’re locally owned and operated, and we know how treat your lawn! At Healthy Lawn, we offer our clients fertilization and weed control services based on each lawn’s individual needs. Most lawns in Western New York may receive 4 or 5 applications per year to look great, however there are conditions such as soil conditions, rainfall, cutting height and some other factors that determine how much and how fast your fertilizer is used up. However, each lawn is different and we only make recommendations based on your particular lawn’s needs. In some cases, a few lawns need special attention for a year or two to get back into shape. For these lawns we may recommend as many as six or more different fertilization treatments. Regardless of the number of treatments your lawn may need, Healthy Lawn clients enjoy huge fertilization cost savings.

We are a Buffalo Lawn Care Company serving most of Erie County, all of Niagara County and parts of Orleans County.

Winter Fertilization to Repair Roots & Replenish Nutrients for a Healthy Lawn...

It may be hard to believe, but all the signs are there: The neighborhood children are back in school, dusk arrives a little earlier each day, and it is too cool to leave the house at night without a sweater or jacket. There’s no denying that another summer is almost over. In addition to fertilizing in fall while lawn plants are actively growing, the experts at Healthy Lawn suggests that homeowners living in northern climates fertilize again after their lawns stop growing. This second application, called dormant or winter feeding, is really the first fertilization of spring — just several months early.

​Dormant feeding is typically only done on northern turf types, such as Kentucky bluegrass, fescue and rye grass. Even when a lawn is covered with snow or appears dead, its turf roots still may be storing nutrients for winter. Apply the usual rate of fertilizer for a dormant feeding. This equates to one pound of nitrogen per one thousand square feet, but check specific instructions on the fertilizer bag for spreader settings. Timing the dormant application can be difficult. Watch your local weather patterns. When you see that your lawn is not growing anymore, dormant feeding is in order. In Western New York, the best time is usually after Halloween but before mid-December.

Healthy Lawn uses a special blend of balanced micro nutrients designed to give you lawn the right mix of fertilizer components and trace elements to ensure that your lawn looks great in the spring. If you’ve used a lawn care provider in the past and were unhappy with the results, their service, or you got the feeling you were just another number on someone’s corporate list of things-to-do, give us a call.

​You’ll be amazed at the difference between Healthy Lawn’s service and all the others. We’re locally owned and operated, and we know how treat your lawn!

Weed Control & Elimination in your Lawn...

Do you have visions of having a beautiful lawn surrounding your home, but your neighbor’s dandelions keep creeping into your yard, more and more each year? Do you have more crabgrass in your lawn than fescue? Healthy Lawn can help!

Each year we see all kinds of lawns with extreme weed problems – we’re not intimidated though! In fact, the more severe the problems, the better we like it, because the change is so dramatic. People just can’t believe it’s the same lawn. Weeds are in a constant battle for prime real-estate in your lawn. If left to fend for itself your grass seed does not stand a chance! Especially in the dryer months. That is when grass goes dormant and weeds gain strength. If your lawns has weed problems, or looks thin, we can help.

Controlling weeds is usually a multi-step process. First, for broad leaf-type weeds, we’ll get rid of them right away. For grass-type weeds, like crabgrass, we’ll put down a protective barrier in early spring that will stop them from sprouting. Next, we’ll apply special fertilizers that will encourage your grass to grow. In extreme cases, we might suggest that your lawn be over-seeded to help fill in bare spots where weeds were especially invasive. Extreme cases make take a full season of care and treatment to recover, but rest assured, that by the following year, your lawn will be picture perfect. Keeping your lawn ‘Weed Free and Green’. Our lawn care services will keep your weeds in check. One of the best ways of keeping weeds to a minimum is to keep your lawn thick and healthy. Our special weed control program includes quality fertilizers that do just that. Your lawn is inspected, and its needs determined, before the first treatment is made. Thereafter, each treatment is recorded, and the lawn is continuously monitored to insure that it is progressing on schedule. If a problem develops between inspections, you can phone us and a Healthy Lawn Lawn Care Specialist will be dispatched to your lawn to take care of the problem.

Crabgrass Prevention...

One or more applications of Crabgrass Prevention are made in early spring to prevent crabgrass from invading the lawn throughout the season.

One of the primary weed concerns in home lawns is crabgrass. There is plenty of time before this weed will appear in lawns, but prevention is the key to control. There are both cultural and chemical control options to consider.

First, understand the target weed. Crabgrass is a warm-season annual grass. No matter how many crabgrass plants appeared in your lawn last year, they are all dead. Crabgrass can only reappear each year from germinating seeds. Crabgrass will not start germinating until soil temperatures get close to 55 degrees and stay there for several consecutive days, which most likely is not until early April in lawn areas. So, remember its important to get the applications down as soon as possible.

Crabgrass prefers full sun, moisture, and thin lawns that allow light to hit the soil. Sound lawn care practices to allow for thick, vigorous lawns that shade the soil help prevent crabgrass from becoming a problem. Mowing height perhaps has the most impact on crabgrass. Mow a minimum of 3 inches and there will be fewer crabgrass plants in your lawn.

Your lawn is inspected, and its needs determined, before the first treatment is made. Thereafter, each treatment is recorded, and the lawn is continuously monitored to insure that it is progressing on schedule. If a problem develops between inspections, you can phone us and a Healthy Lawn Lawn Care Specialist will be dispatched to your lawn to take care of the problem.

Grubs & Other Pests...

Healthy Lawn is dedicated to meeting your every need when it comes to maintaining your lawn. We offer complete residential and commercial insect and lawn pest solutions for Western New York.

If you are infested with grubs we will use the most effective products available on the market to combat the problem. Also we will be monitoring your lawn looking for the problem before it destroys your lawn.

The product we use is systemic which means it is absorbed and retained in the grass for the entire grub damage season. When the grub s are present and begin eating it is just a matter of hours and the feeding will stop. When this happens the damage stops.

If this treatment is not effective, we will at no cost to you, apply a grub killer while they are actively feeding.

The Beauty of Healthy Trees and Shrubs...

When you take into account the life-span of trees and their contributions to the overall value of a large estate or commercial property, consulting a Healthy Lawn representative in order to formulate a total care program is a wise investment.

Fertilizing Tree and Shrubs

Trees and shrubs benefit from annual fertilization during spring, early summer and the fall. We don’t recommend fertilizing shrubs during the heat of the summer. When we add nutrients to our soil, we create the best environment for your plants to realize their full beauty and potential. All soil types benefit from fertilization. At Healthy Lawn we have found by adding these nutrients at the proper times, we provide your trees and shrubs with their best chance for success.

Healthy Lawn offers a comprehensive fertilization program specially designed for ornamental trees and shrubbery.

Our ornamental tree and shrubbery fertilization program includes spring feeding using slow release fertilizers to help give your plants a strong start to a prosperous spring growth and enhance coloring. Healthy Lawn’s ornamental tree and shrubbery fertilization program also includes applications to control disease and insects.

You can start to see the results from Healthy Lawn’s ornamental tree and shrubbery fertilization program within a short time period once applied. You will see new growth and enhancements to your plantings.

Contact us today to request your free estimate on tree and shrub fertilization today!

Core Aeration Improves the Structure of Your Lawn...

Aeration is the process of mechanically removing small plugs of thatch and soil from the lawn to improve soil structure and reduce compaction. Core aeration helps the lawn’s health and vigor, and reduces maintenance requirements. It also reduces compaction of soil which allows grass to produce a stronger, healthier root system. Fertilizer can get down to the root system more readily. An aerated lawn will absorb more water, and it breaks up the thatch layer. Annually aerated lawns will almost never develop a damaging thatch layer. Annual aeration is beneficial for all lawns. Lawns growing on heavy clay or subsoil, and lawns exposed to intense use, benefit from two or more aerations each year. Spring and fall are ideal times to aerate. We generally recommend aerating in the fall, after the stress of summer. Aeration, in combination with fertilization, enhances root growth and improves spring green-up. Overseeding at the time of Aeration is a great way to thicken up a thin lawn or introduce better grass types to a lawn.

Plugs should be left on the lawn. As the plugs begin to break down, microbes in the plugs will begin working on the built-up thatch layer and over time will reduce it. Plugs may appear unsightly for a few days, but they will benefit the lawn and in a week or two, they should disappear.

The two step process guaranteed to improve your lawn. An aeration treatment removes small cores of soil and thatch to allow air, moisture and fertilizer to penetrate down to the root zone. The cores brought to the surface contain microorganisms, which help the breakdown of the woody thatch tissue. This allows the roots of existing grass plants to spread out and grow deeper, creating a healthier, thicker lawn. Aerating your lawn is a great way to reduce thatch, loosen up compacted soils, and make it easier for water and nutrients to reach the roots of your turf.

Cultural Practices for a Healthy Lawn...& Ultimately 50% less pesticides

Most people don’t realize how much proper mowing contributes to the overall health and appearance of their lawn. Therefore, let’s take a look at some of the mowing basics that will provide you the best possible results: & be on your way to 50% less pesticides.


“Mow Your lawn in the coolest part of the day for the cleanest cut.” Use a mulching mower and always leave the clippings. “The longer the grass, the deeper the root.” Grass growing in the shade needs to be cut as long as possible, since it needs more leaf area to intercept limited light. “Never remove more than 1/3 of the height of the grass at a time.” Try to mow often enough. When winter approaches ensure your grass is cut short enough (but not scalped) to prevent it from “laying over” under deep snow cover. Using a 2 to 2-1/2 inch cutting height should be sufficient. It’s actually best to gradually lower your cutting height over the final three cuts of the year, instead of trying to do it all in one final cut. Shorter grass is less likely to suffer from snow mold disease. Check for any last minute leaf accumulations that may smother your grass. Late Fall is the time to apply “winterizer” fertilizers. Don’t forget to sharpen your mower blade for next year.

The most frequently asked questions are:

When is the best time of day to water?–Morning is the best, between the hours of 5AM and 8AM. Late evening is the time to avoid watering a lawn. Why? Turf grass watered in the evening tends to stay wet all night, providing an ideal environment for fungus disease. Also watering during the heat of the day is a waste of precious water because most of it evaporates. The ground temperature can reach as high as 115 degrees F in the hot months. How much water should I give my lawn?–This varies somewhat depending on grass type. In general, applying one half inch of water per watering and never more than 3 times per week in most circumstances. Water can be measured by marking the side of a pie tin placed in the lawn. Remember that if nature provides water by rainfall, irrigation may not be needed. What about too much water? When you water your lawn too frequently it can cause excess growth, summer fungal diseases and more frequent mowing.

Lawns that receive little to no water from irrigation or rainfall during summer months will go dormant. Most lawns will recover when water returns. During a severe drought, the grass may die and require over seeding in the fall. This may be acceptable to those looking to conserve water during summer months. Tips for better watering… Deep and infrequent watering maintains a healthy root system and reduces weed infestation (as opposed to light and frequent irrigation, which promotes shallow roots and germination of weed seeds). Applying one inch of water is often difficult to achieve in a single watering given the slow infiltration rate on most soils. Therefore, smaller amounts of water applied every 3 to 4 days may be required to allow water to enter the soil without causing runoff. Water is best applied early in the day (5 to 8 am.) when evaporation loss is lowest. Mow your grass at the right height (3+ inches)during the summer. Longer grass blades increase the depth of the root system, shade the soil, and help drought tolerance. Follow the above practices and we can use at least 50% less pesticides using our lawn care service!

Let's talk about the reasons for Mosquito Control

As the climate continues to become warmer the southern insects are moving north. The threat of the Zika Virus is real and can reach western New York. Eliminate the mosquito and the threat at least in your yard is gone.

If you have a pet especially a dog or cat you probably are giving it a heartworm medication. The reason for this is that the heartworm disease can be fatal to your pet when not treated properly. When a mosquito bites an infected pet w\that has the heartworm disease and then bites your pet the disease is transmitted to your pet. Mosquito Control prevents the problem at least while the pet is in your yard.​

Fleas can also be a nuisance to both cats and dogs (and humans too!!). One way to eliminate fleas from your yard is to use our Mosquito Control Program. If you want a flea spray to be included for your turf just let us know and we can add it to your program. Normally Mosquito Control does not include spraying of the turf because mosquitoes do not hang out in mowed lawns.​

Ticks are another pest that can be harmful to humans as well as pets. They carry a host of diseases which can cause severe problems in both pets and humans.​

And last but not least the creepy Spider. Everyone knows how horrible it is to day in and day out to exit one of your doors and walk right into a spider web. You get rid of the web and the next day it’s back! Mosquito Control also eliminate these insects.

Our Standard Mosquito Control Program

If you’ve had it with annoying mosquitoes in your yard every year don’t worry, there is a safe and effective answer to your prayers. Healthy Lawn is proud to now offer the best mosquito control service on the market at an affordable price!. As a long time (19 years) outdoor lawn care service company, we offer two proven effective solutions that will turn your yard into the mosquito free place you and the rest of your family have always wanted. We come every 21 days because that is the life cycle of the mosquito. Plus we offer a can’t lose guarantee!

Our Special Events Mosquito Control

Nothing disrupts and ruins an event held outdoors like a wedding, graduation or party like thousands of annoying, biting mosquitoes and pests. Planning an event is hard enough, but planning around the problem of mosquitoes is simply an impossible task. Keep your special event turning out as planned with our one time mosquito control barrier from Healthy Lawn. Just call us at least one week in advance and 1-3 days before we will be out to eliminate any chance of Mosquito Bites to your family and friends. Remember Mosquitoes can RUIN YOUR EVENT!

Areas we Serve

Proudly Serving the Greater Buffalo Area

About Healthy Lawn

Healthy Lawn Care Service is a locally owned & operated Lawn Care Company serving Buffalo and Western New York dedicated to the safe & proper application of fertilizers & pesticides on Lawns & Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. Our Buffalo Lawn Care applications are customized to your needs & we do not use a “One size fits all approach to the lawn applications!” For superior Buffalo and Western New York lawn Care Service call Now! Our Motto is “Weed Free and Green using over 50% less pesticides” Our Lawn Care Service Company is dedicated to using the best products available and equipment that allows us to only apply pesticides as necessary.

Our Philosophy...

Healthy Lawn is a locally owned and operated company offering a full line of lawn care services to Buffalo and most of Erie County. Offering the best possible service using only the finest products at prices that won’t break the family bank. We are trained professionals dedicated to giving you the best possible lawn on your street.

The Healthy Lawn Warranty

Our goal is to make sure that you are totally satisfied with our lawn care and other services. We will continuously work with you until you are totally satisfied that we have done everything possible to solve your problems. With most of our programs we offer no charge service calls and free re sprays. You can be assured that we will strive to achieve 100% satisfaction. Our applicators will also be available to answer any and all questions regarding your lawn or landscape.